News and Opinion from The European Union

Friday, 7 December 2012

The European Federalist Party

On the 2nd of December 2012 The European Federalist Party's UK chapter held it's first annual general meeting. This meeting marks a turning point in British politics as for the first time a political party is putting forwards the ideas of European economic and political integration.

The conference elected a board for the coming year and ratified the parties constitution which calls for subsidiarity and cooperation across The European Union. The party President said "Subsidiarity is the basic principle for which we stand, it is the idea that all decisions should be made by those who it effects not passed down from on high. When something involves only people from a town, a city or a county then it should be their decision. Equally when something effects all of Europe then it should be made by the democratic institutions at the European level."

The party will be releasing it manifesto within the next two months which will be discussed on this blog.

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